
Dr Olayinka Oyegbile

Journalist/Lecture, Af24News/Trinity University
Dr. Olayinka Oyegbile is a journalist, lecturer and playwright. He has worked in both the electronic and print media. He is widely travelled and experienced in journalism and communication. In over two and a half decades of practice as a journalist, he has won many awards at home and abroad. He is a World Health Organisation (WHO) Fellow in Public Health Reporting. He is also a Fellow of the American Cancer Society (ACS) and others. His articles and reviews have been widely published around the world. He was until recently Deputy Editor of The Nation on Sunday in Nigeria. His play The Dirty Leap was published in 2021 to critical acclaim in the media and shortlisted for the Association of Nigeria Authors (ANA) Drama Prize in 2022. He has published three books and is currently editing a book on Female Editors in Nigeria. He holds a Ph.D. in Communication Studies and teaches Journalism courses at Trinity University in Lagos, Nigeria. In 2023, he won the “the Most Published Author Award” of The Conversation Africa.
2.00 - 4.00 PM

Friday 6th Dec

Small Beginnings to Significant Growth: Opportunities and Challenges of women ‘mediapreneurs’

A Panel