
Dr Moussa Diop

Lecturer/ Head of academic affairs, E-jicom

Teacher-researcher in CIS, educational manager at E-jicom.Current educational manager of E-jicom, and doctor in Infocom Sciences, from the University of Grenoble Alpes, Moussa Diop has a degree in international relations and political sciences from the Universities of Toulouse Capitole and Bordeaux Montesquieu. His research focuses on the analysis of ongoing changes in the media sector in the light of digital and technological progress. But also, new forms of political participation, digital transformations of public space. Teacher-researcher, Moussa Diop teaches courses in political, public, institutional, crisis and development communication.

2.00 - 4.00 PM

Thursday 5th Dec

Innovation and Responsibility: How Artificial Intelligence is Shaping Media Practice

A Panel