
Dr Getachew Tilahun Wakene

Lecturer and researcher, Jimma University
Dr. Getachew Tilahun Wakene has been a journalism and communications educator for the past 20 plus years. He has been a critical media consumer and reflector in the Ethiopian media landscape, educator and researcher at Jimma University, a board member for community radio, and a trainer for journalists working for local media and for communications experts working in regional and zonal communication offices. He has published many studies that focus on Ethiopian journalism and media, communication, and education in general. He also has researched, published and trained on the discourse of road safety with an emphasis on road safety education and communication. Getachew is presently directing a road and transport safety research center in Jimma University which works, among others, on road safety research and advocacy / communication projects.
11.00 - 1.00 PM

Friday 6th Dec

Setting the AJENDA for a holistic approach to media sustainability