
Dr Nancy Booker

Associate Professor and Dean, Aga Khan University, Graduate School of Media and Communications
Nancy Booker is an Associate Professor and Dean at the Graduate School of Media and Communications at Aga Khan University in Nairobi Kenya. She has served as member of the Media Complaints Commission (2020 – 2023) in Kenya where, as a certified professional mediator, she mediated and adjudicated on media related disputes. Prior to joining Aga Khan University, Nancy worked at Multimedia University as the Head of the Journalism and Communication Department and at Daystar University in Kenya. She also worked at ABC university in post-war Liberia where she set up the Department of Media and Communication. She has been trained in leadership at Harvard. Nancy is actively involved in the media and communications landscape in the region and continues to serve in various professional bodies. She is the Vice President of the African Journalism Educators Network (AJEN); a member of the Kenya Editors Guild (KEG) where she has served in various committees; a board member in the East Africa Communication Association (EACA) and a member of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR). She has also been a juror for several journalism excellence awards across the continent. Her most recent juror activity saw her judge the 2023 and 2024 Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Local Journalism Awards for Sub-Saharan Africa. Nancy is also the PI for a project dubbed “Advancing Gender Equality in Media and Civil Society (AGEMCS) which is being implemented by the Graduate School of Media and Communications. The project is helping set up two gender desks in the EA region, training on gender responsive reporting and communication and has recently concluded a research project documenting the state of women in media in East Africa.
11.00 - 1.00 PM

Friday 6th Dec

Setting the AJENDA for a holistic approach to media sustainability