
Enatnesh Muluken Fetene

Lecturer and department head, Wollo University
Mrs. Enatnesh Muluken Fetene Head of Journalism and communication department, Wollo University, Dessie, Ethiopia Since she joined Wollo University in 2018, Enatnesh Muluken lectured different journalism courses for undergraduate students. She studied her M.A degrees in Multimedia journalism from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia and in global journalism from NLA University College, Norway. Her research areas are gender, media and politics. As a countryside girl, she faced many challenges in her childhood; it made her to be interested in studying women’s engagement in politics, economy and social arenas and how media are framing women’s voice.
2.00 - 4.00 PM

Friday 6th Dec

Safeguarding Journalists and Defending Press Freedoms