
Aidah Munzatsi

Journalist and digital content creator
Aidah Munzatsi is a multimedia journalist, communications specialist, strategist and digital content creator with over 5 years of experience from Kenya. She is passionate about health, a field in which she has been recognized with awards across East Africa, including being named the Best East Africa Journalist in TV reporting on NCDs in 2021. In recent years, she has embraced digital content creation, leveraging the power of social media to reach millions across the world Through her platforms, she educates, informs, creates awareness and health advocacy on health matters, including AYSRHR, as well as other trending human interest issues. Recently, she was honored for her impactful health communication on social media at Kenya's Content Creators Awards. Additionally, she has collaborated and partnered with several organizations in Kenya as a social media influencer and excels in social media management.
2.00 - 4.00 PM

Thursday 5th Dec

Balancing Act: Charting a course for Media Sustainability through Regulation and Policy.